A Journey of Love and Dedication: My 500-Day Breastfeeding Testimonial


Breastfeeding my baby was one of the most challenging tasks of my life. Even so, I did it for almost 500 days, and it was one of the most spectacular experiences I’ve ever had!

For me, breastfeeding him was fundamental. Not just for his health but also to strengthen our bond and provide comfort as he arrived in this world. It was more than just giving him breastmilk. Despite all the challenges – from the painful latch in the first weeks to my baby’s high demand for the breast, his refusal of other feeding methods, and my fear of nipple confusion – I feel immense pride in our journey. I am proud to have been his source of nourishment, nutrition, and comfort.

a black and white photo of a mom breastfeeding her baby

Breastfeeding required an immense amount of dedication from me, in addition to already having lent him my body during pregnancy. There were days when I thought I would nurse him forever, that I was destined to give him my body for all eternity. Until he was six months old, my baby nursed every two hours like clockwork. But as he grew and became increasingly curious about the world around him, his interest in nursing diminished. The feedings became shorter and more spaced out, and he often refused when I offered. I understood that we were nearing the end. “He is ready,” I thought. But what about me? Was I ready to end this cycle?

I always knew that breastfeeding was not just for my son; it was for me, too. Maybe I prolonged it a little more than he needed. And that’s okay. I respected his desire to explore the world and my grieving process over the end of breastfeeding, as well as my fear that he might not need me as much anymore. Nursing him was something unique to our relationship. Recently, we closed this chapter of our story. My son no longer nurses, but I realize that our bond remains strong, consistent, and loving. He still needs my body, asks for kisses and hugs, lies on top of me before bed, and wants to be held and cuddled. He still wants his body close to mine. And I love that!

I breastfed my son for 500 days. It could have been 5, 50, or 1000 days. Regardless of my choice and circumstances, I believe that breastfeeding should be protected, normalized, and promoted. Are there babies and mothers who need alternatives? Yes! Every mother’s journey is unique, and every choice deserves respect. But that should not stop us from protecting and encouraging breastfeeding.

I would not have been able to breastfeed my son without a fantastic support network: a husband who, as much as I did, wanted his son to be breastfed and did everything he could to make it happen; my lactation consultant, with her availability and countless home visits, who helped me learn to breastfeed and trust myself and my baby; and my mother-friends, for their support and sharing, pictures of latches, and voice messages with tears of distress and joy.

August is World Breastfeeding Month, and this little text is a tribute to breastfeeding and an effort to raise awareness of its importance for the mother-baby pair. Let’s celebrate and support each other’s unique breastfeeding experience.


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