an organized walk in closet full of in style clothing

Personal Style in my 30s

How much thought goes into your style?   When I was 16 years old, a professional personal stylist came to my classroom to teach us how to dress professionally for our body types. That’s the day I learned that I had...
Get ready for a night of fun with St. Louis Mom! Join us for Moms Night Out! You deserve it, girl! The Details  Location: Seven Gables Inn | 26 North Meramec Avenue, Clayton Date: Thursday, October 20th Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Dress Code: Wear what...
      Even as a Professional Makeup Artist, I prefer not to have a full face of makeup day to day. The majority of the time, I need to just look put together and awake. I wanted to share my 5-minute...
  Once when I was 18-years-old, my mother told me, “Go get yourself a hair coloring product, or you will feel older” wiith all those early silver hairs coming in. I did not.   Today I am a couple of days away...
  This year, my mission was to do most of my holiday shopping through small businesses – and I have largely been able to stick to that mission. Here are a few of my favorite local small businesses that can cover...
This "old" mom is looking to learn some new tricks!   As a woman of a certain age, let's just say not quite 40, there are certain things that I have discovered that I have never learned how to do or...
  So, you’ve heard it … clean, safe, and non-toxic skincare is the newest beauty fad, and it seems to be here to stay. I mean, it’s practically flooding our Facebook and Instagram pages these days. Not necessarily a bad...
This post is sponsored by Mid-America Plastic Surgery. With all the demands on your time and energy during this required stay-at-home period, it’s easy to lose sight of your own needs. But now’s the perfect time to dream a little...
In the age of YouTube videos, tutorials, and influencers, my 15-year-old seems to have much more knowledge in the beauty department than I do! I sat down with her this morning to give me some of her best tips.   I...
Following my Green Skincare post from last month, we’re shifting gears to make-up! While skincare is my first true love, I’ve grown in my confidence in using make-up; what to use when, how to apply, and the best colors...

In + Around STL

Mom’s Guide to St. Louis City SC Match Day

The arrival of City SC to St. Louis has been an exciting addition for families across the region! As moms, we know that packing...