Bittersweet Beginnings


a cartoon drawing of lined paper with a rainbow and the words, "hello kindergarten"

Time flies by in the blink of an eye. As I reflect on the past 5 years we’ve shared together, I’m reminded of all the precious moments we’ve experienced hand in hand. From your first steps to your curious questions, I’ve been there for every single milestone. Yet, here we are, on the cusp of a new adventure I knew would come but never truly felt ready for – your first day of Kindergarten.

In those fleeting moments since we enrolled you months ago, I’ve oscillated between anticipation and apprehension. While I may have jokingly entertained the idea that a full day of school would offer some relief during particularly long summer days, deep down, I recognized that the reality of your first day would tug at my heart in ways I couldn’t have foreseen.

Today, I watched you take those first steps into your classroom – a place where you’ll spend your days learning and growing, away from me. It’s the first time someone else will hold the role of your primary teacher, the first time someone else might have a front-row seat to your milestones. As you waved goodbye, a mix of emotions surged within me.the view from behind of a mom walking her daughter to kindergarten

I was prepared for the wave of sadness that washed over me as you neared the classroom’s doorframe. I knew I’d be counting down the hours until I could wrap you in my arms again. But what I didn’t anticipate was the overwhelming pride and joy that would accompany that melancholy. There you were, standing on the threshold of a new world, your eyes gleaming with confidence, a smile that spoke of excitement, and a wave that assured me you were ready.

As I sit here, pondering what this next chapter holds for me, I find solace in the fact that our journey is far from over. The roles we play as mom and daughter are ever-evolving, and just as each of your developmental stages has brought unique excitement and challenges, this one will be no different. While distance may separate us during those school hours, know that I’ll always be your teacher, coach, and ever-present sidekick. Now, though, I get to witness you flourish from a distance – a proud spectator of your growing independence.

So here’s to the new season that lies ahead, to embracing the change and cherishing the memories we’ll continue to create. You, my dear, are more than ready for this next step, and in time, I’ll find my readiness too. As the sun sets on your first day of Kindergarten, it rises on a new chapter for both of us, one filled with boundless opportunities for growth, learning, and love.


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