Angela Baker
Managing the Holidays When You Don’t Celebrate Christmas
Managing the Holidays when You Don’t Celebrate Christmas originally ran in December, 2021.
My preschooler LOVES Christmas— Christmas trees, lights, stockings, Santa, the whole nine...
The Power of Intention (and Action)
This past year, I (logical and eternally skeptical) took a detour into lite “woo.” My personal dictionary defines woo as anything that can’t be...
Becoming a Better Reading Buddy
I’ve always loved reading to my daughters. It’s my absolute favorite part of our bedtime routine, second only to the sleep meditation when I...
Mom’s Guide to Date Nights in St. Louis
We know as moms that date nights can often be few and far between, but we still think they're important! So we've compiled a...
Motherhood and Mental Health
I’ve been thinking a lot this week about the toll of parenthood on mental health. Not that I’ve had much time to myself for...
No, I Won’t Make My Shy Kid Talk to You
My two daughters couldn’t be more different. (Yay for thinking I had this parenting thing all figured out only to have a new personality...
How This Non-Crafter Found Her Creative Outlet: Knitting
A mom and her knitting needles come together during the pandemic.
Hello, my name is Angela, and I’m an un-crafty mom. My version of creating...
Mom Confessional: I Don’t Eat Dinner with My Kids
Before my first child was born, I envisioned having family dinners every night, perfectly balanced meals served family-style, where the children ate the same...
Fire Safety Week – What’s Your Safety Plan?
Fire Safety Week is October 4 - October 10.
Confession: I’m a low-key “prepper.” I put together a basement stash for tornado season, pack my...
Take a Page Out of My Book for National Read a Book Day
As pandemic life ambles on, I’m rapidly running out of options for one of my favorite forms of me-time: binge-watching a really great series....