Anna Beck

Anna Beck
Anna Beck lives in University City with her three young children and husband. She is an attorney and journalist, and maintains the blog, Anna loves visiting kid-friendly spots around the city and can also be found baking in her kitchen with her toddlers. She loves connecting with other moms around St. Louis and talking about motherhood, work-life balance and healthy living.

5 Things I Would Share with a New Mom

Motherhood is messy, magical, and a little overwhelming, especially in the beginning. As my youngest tells me he is a big boy now (just...

Gingerbread Playdough: A Fun Activity this Holiday Season

Nothing says winter fun like homemade Gingerbread Playdough!   I love making homemade playdough. It always sounds daunting, but it’s actually way easier than it sounds....

Three Reasons You Need an Estate Plan for Your Family

Creating an Estate Plan was one of those tasks I put on my mental to-do list after I became a mom. You know that...
open wooden backyard gate

How to Form a Mom Community in your own Neighborhood

Connect to your neighborhood with these tips for crafting your own mom community!   About a year ago, I would sit in my front yard with...
Photo by Anna Beck

The Magic of Motherhood during the Holidays

When December hit, I started feeling extra emotional. I have this print on my kitchen counter that local card maker, Curly Girl Design, made...
a cooling rack filled with oatmeal cookie on a white countertop

An Oatmeal Cookie You’ll Want to Make

  You will want to save this oatmeal cookie recipe to bake on repeat!   In St. Louis, August means back-to-school is here. As a mom, this has...

Navigating Social Media as a Mother

How adept are you at navigating social media?   When I’m talking to a new mom, I find myself always giving the same piece of advice:...
gift bags of holiday simmering stovetop scents, which consist of cranberries, oranges, cinnamon, and clove

Simmering Stovetop Scent: Fill your Home with the Smell of the Holidays

Gift some holiday simmering stovetop scent this season, or keep it for yourself!   Last winter, my neighbor came to my house with a little package...

What Moms Can Look Forward To When the Weather Gets Colder

Colder, shorter days call for a mental reset.   As soon as the time changes in the fall, my mind starts to think about the cold...
a child holding an orange leaf cut from play dough with the cookie cutter and scraps in the background

Motherhood: A Time to Be a Child Again

When I had my first child, I was suddenly taken back in time. I started imagining the cookies we would bake together, pool days,...