Carol Kerber

Carol Kerber
Carol is married with four kids, who range in age from 10 to 20-years-old. She moved to St. Louis when she was 12, and except for four years living in Southern California as a newlywed, she’s lived here since. As a Mizzou graduate, Carol began her post-college career in publishing, and then switched gears to teach early elementary. Since having kids, she has been lucky enough to stay home with them. The Kerbers call Castlewood Stables in Ballwin their home, and all of their neighbors run around on four legs. While this lifestyle seems a bit foreign to her nature, being part of the STL Mom team is just the opposite. Carol has always loved to write but had never really given that dream wings until now. Being part of the St. Louis Mom team fulfills both the editor and writer in her spirit, and she gets to write about what she knows best: being a mom.

Deconstructing the Open Letter

As a perpetuating social trend, open letters flood the internet. There are open letters to pregnant moms. There are letters to new moms. There are letters to moms of toddlers, school-aged kids, and teens. ...

Be Aware with School Violence

A few weeks ago, I woke to an email from our high school principal that was sparse on details, but highlighted a potential threat at school and promised police involvement and presence. It was...

It’s Not You, It’s Me . . . and My Anxiety

  Social anxiety.   It can manifest itself in various ways. For me, it’s a fear of putting myself out there, blended with an inability to function with grace. Additionally, it’s a pounding heart, a dry mouth,...

Smart Parenting with Smartphones

I have teenagers, and I monitor their phones. Arguments against it are plentiful and passionate: monitoring kids' phones today is akin to our parents reading our diaries, listening to our phone conversations, or reading notes...

To Go, or Not To Go, That Isn’t The Question

No matter how much time you spend with your kids, you never truly know them until you leave them. Recently, I went with my husband to Northern California.  Savoring solo days in a bungalow...

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

Father’s Day is near, so what do you do for the spouse who doesn’t acknowledge Mother’s Day?  I noticed a strange phenomenon on social media this past Mother’s Day. If you were on Facebook,...

Happy Birthday To Mom

  Remember when birthdays meant your whole class came over to play musical chairs and have balloon relays until it was time to blow out the candles on a homemade cake? You anticipated the big...

True Success is Earned – Lessons from the College Cheating Scandal

It seems almost comically scripted that a Desperate Housewife finds herself caught up in a college cheating scandal. I can see the storyline unfold as a Desperate Mom, wanting to snag choice opportunities for...

New Mom to STL Guide to Family-Friendly Dining

Dining out with the whole family can be such a treat! St. Louis has it's fair share of family-friendly spots where kids and adults alike can enjoy themselves! Bailey's Range 4175 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO...