Zoe Everette
Why I Quit My Job with International Travel for A Job with MORE International...
My previous job had me traveling about 40% of the time. Mostly back and forth to Africa. Occasionally to Europe. Rarely around the US. ...
Hour by Hour: A Peek into the Day of a Traveling, Working, Foster Momma
I'm convinced that the idea of 'having it all' is impossible. I gave up trying a year into being a (foster) momma when I...
My Role In Tearing A Family Apart. For Good And For Bad.
In one week I have to take the stand to testify against the mother of my foster children. I'm trying to prepare myself. Prepare...
Why My Kids Crossed the Border
As one of the few Spanish-speaking foster homes in St. Louis, we have had the privilege to parent seven native Spanish-speaking children in our...
Free Child Care and Summer Camps for Foster Kids
Two years ago my partner and I went from being childless (by choice) to parents to five children (by choice). It had always been...