Erin Martin
Blame it on … The Retrograde
Why should you care about Mercury in Retrograde? It may explain a thing or two!
If you feel like your kids have been abnormally difficult...
Confessions of a “Yes” Mom : A Story of Overcommitment
Often, the word “mom” is synonymous with “overcommitment."
My calendar gets a little bit fuller each day. Appointments, meetings, events, and work shifts are appearing...
The Summer of Swim Team and Sportsmanship
One of the most important things for an athlete to learn is the value of good sportsmanship.
This summer, we were determined to help our...
No Picky Eaters Allowed: My Quest to Raise Foodies
Got any picky eaters in your house? Turn them into foodies with these tips!
Let me start with a disclaimer: I'm not here to judge...
You May Not Be Able to Teach an Old Dog New Tricks, but What...
This "old" mom is looking to learn some new tricks!
As a woman of a certain age, let's just say not quite 40, there are...
Pandemiversary: A Look Back at the Year of the Pandemic
March marks the one year anniversary of our response to COVID; our Pandemiversary.
Time flies when you're having fun, right? That is not exactly the...
Vanilla … May Not be so Vanilla After All
Vanilla ice cream, vanilla candles, vanilla lotion, Vanilla, I'm not reenacting the shrimp scene from Forrest Gump. So, stop, collaborate and listen because...
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year: The Bleed Blue Edition
I tricked you. You thought we were going to talk about Christmas didn't you? Sorry to disappoint, but I'm ready to pack away the...
Dear Violet: A Letter for Your 5th Birthday
To my dear Violet Faith, on your 5th birthday,
To say the past five years have been a wild ride would be an understatement. From...
The Body Image Lesson My Girls Never Asked For
Has the topic of body image been raised in your home? Start the conversation if you haven't already.
"You're fat!" my 4-year-old screamed at her...