Jennedy L

Jennedy L
Jennedy grew up in West County, attended Mizzou and now works as a full-time School Counselor. At home, her life moves along at quick pace to a lovely soundtrack of music provided by her husband, Kyle, who is a classical musician and two young sons. When time allows, Jennedy loves a project- whether it be tiling a bathroom, decorating, gardening, meal planning, learning to sew or finding new and efficient ways to manage her household. Jennedy is hoping to figure out the magic formula of work, life and self-care balance. She’ll be sure to write about it right here when she does.

Screen-Free Road Trips with Toddlers

With the holidays coming up, we are preparing for our annual trip to visit my husband’s family in Kansas City. I'm usually a bit...

Living Well Locally: Introducing The Scout Guide St. Louis!

I love Google. It has the answers to everything you need in seconds. But, often times finding the best option in your own backyard...

Simplifying My Life With A Capsule Wardrobe

We see them all over Pinterest. These beautiful boards and grids of perfectly classic clothing ready for any occasion. The capsule wardrobe: I finally...

Hour by Hour: A Peek into the Day of a Modern Mama

Someone called me a Super Mom the other day. I sometimes feel super, but most days, all I do is work through all of...

Beginning Breastfeeding Tips For My Bestie

One of my life-long best friends is due to deliver her first child any day now! After breastfeeding for a year with my first...

Practical Preparation for “Baby Bobby Boo”

As I write this, I am 39 weeks pregnant, 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. For most people who haven't been there, basically I will...

Tribute to the Black Father

In honor of Father’s Day this month, I can’t help but think about the men in my family and how they help raise my...