Jeri Villarreal

Jeri Villarreal
Jeri Villarreal is a married mother of three children, all diagnosed with severe food allergies at infancy. This spurred her to start her own urban farm where she raises chickens and grows organic produce. Jeri works full-time in the field of Information Technology and in her "spare" time, trains and competes in triathlons while wearing hijab for religious modesty.

Breastfeeding Saved My Daughter’s Life

  In 2004, I gave birth to a very healthy 9 pound and 4 ounce baby girl. After seven weeks of maternity leave, I returned...

Get Wild at GoApe Zip Line and Treetop Adventure!

This information is sponsored by our partners at GoApe Zip Line and Treetop Adventure. We appreciate their wonderful staff and this opportunity for adventure! We've...