Katie Wollenberg
5 Ways to Make Your Vacation with Kids Less Exhausting
As a mom, I dread going on vacation with my kids. I love my kids. I love spending time with them, but taking them...
LinkedIn Recognizes Stay-at-Home Mom as a Job Title
In March of 2021, the social media platform LinkedIn added "Stay-At-Home Mom" as an option for a job title. This was created mostly to...
5 Things I Will Teach My Daughter about Weight
Weight, our favorite subject— it's a complicated thing for almost all women. Most women, at one point or another, have struggled with their weight....
5 Guidelines for Video Games in our Home
Video games are fun and cool when you’re young, but I got to a point in my life that video games became a fear...
Things to Consider When Finding the Right Medical Provider for Your Kids
Finding the right medical provider is not the easiest task in the world, especially when it comes to your kids. Not only do they...
A Small Family Christmas: Finding the Silver Lining of Celebrating 2020 Style
COVID restrictions don't have to ruin your holidays. Find the joy of having a small family Christmas in 2020.
COVID has thrown all of us...
Raising My Kids to Get Along – Even When They Disagree
One of the things I say ALL THE TIME to my kids is "get along." A great example of getting along was the late...
Finding the Good in 2020: Refocusing Your Perspective
This year has carried so much hardship. Finding the good in 2020 helps refocus your mindset toward the beauty in the world.
The year 2020...
Bedtime is Exhausting
Bedtime is a time of the day that I look forward to and don’t care for at the same time. Bedtime is exhausting. None...
Please, Whatever You Do… Don’t Give Up the Nap!
Is your child refusing to nap? Here are some tips to save nap time and your sanity!
We’ve all experienced it. Our sweet 2-year-old will...