Katie Wollenberg
Whatta Man – For My Husband
These days I feel like the men in our lives get a bad rap on social media. There are so many memes about how...
A Love Letter to a Lost Friend: The Rock N Play
Dear Rock N Play,
It is hard to describe just how special you are to our family. From the moment I saw you cuddling a...
Failing at Breastfeeding – Twice
Before my daughter was born, I had assumed that I would breastfeed her. It was a free way to feed my child and it...
What to Expect: Prenatal Visits
I recently found out that I am pregnant with our third child. I am very excited. One of the most exciting things about being...
The Power of One-on-One Time
This past week my husband took my 21-month old son to see his parents in Connecticut. He wanted to get away for a few...
When Do I Take Them to the Doctor? The Struggle is Real.
Nothing is scarier as a mom than your children's health and well-being being in jeopardy. When your child is sick, it consumes you. It...
Rethinking Christmas Gifts: 5 Toys That Have Gone Terribly Wrong in my Home
Having toys in your home is a necessity when you have kids. Yes, they will play with a cardboard box for much longer and...
Just Get the Minivan Already
I never thought I would be a minivan-driving soccer mom. I thought I would be more of an SUV-driving volleyball mom. No sliding doors...
Hour by Hour: A Peek at the Day of a Stay-At-Home Mom
Starting the Day
6:50 AM Alarm goes off. Snooze. Alarm. Snooze.
7:30 AM I better get up now. I get clothes for my 4-year-old who has...
You Mean They’re Not the Same?
I recently had two fairly significant events in my life occur at the same time: helping my mom move and my son was cutting a...