Sarah Heep

Sarah Heep
Sarah lives in Wildwood with her husband, Steve. They have two daughters, Maddie and Brooklyn, along with fur-baby Reba. Sarah was a teen mom and is a stroke survivor. She works for La Salle Retreat Center as the Director of Guest Relations. When she's not working, she loves shopping with her girls, walks with her pup and hubby, watching crime shows, and reading who-dun-it novels. She's also an admitted chocolate and Diet Coke addict.

Remind Me Why We’re Selling? Tips to Keeping Your Home Ready for Showings

In May, I wrote a post about going back to work. I (sadly) admitted that my husband and I had made the decision to...

To the Under-Appreciated Stepparent: I See You

Dear Parent Left in the Shadows, I see you standing there. I see you loving that child with all of your might from the sidelines....

3 Tips for Going Back to Work

Over the past couple months, I feel like my life has gone through the wringer. The ups and downs of going from "work-at-home-mom" to...

MRKH – The Four Letters That Changed My Life

MRKH. These four letters changed the future of our family within minutes one year ago today. May of 2018 started like any other. The school...

Being “Stepmom”

Stepmoms, raise your hand! ?? Y'all, being a mom is, really really hard. Being a stepmom, well, that's a whole new level of hard!...