Mom Tips:
This is the most well-known sledding hill in St. Louis!
Hay bales line the bottom of the hill
to keep sledders away from the lake.
Mom Tips:
This hill has steps leading back up to the top – bonus for moms with kids in tow!

Metro East
Mom Tips:
Must have at least 2 inches of snow for the hill to be open for sledding.
Only plastic or inflatable sleds allowed.
Mom tips:
Steeper hill, great for older kids!
Mom Tips:
Big, open hill with lots of room.
The walk to the top can be tiring!
Great for all ages.

St. Louis County Winter Outdoor Sports Department Policy: Sledding is allowed in all County parks except Lone Elk, Veterans Memorial, and Kennedy.
Mom Tips:
Great hill for all ages.
Mom Tips:
While this hill looks short, it is quite steep. It has earned the nickname “Suicide Hill” due to the number of broken bones and injuries kids have gotten while sledding.
Dreher Park
Warson Woods Drive and Ridgeline
Mom Tips:
Great hill for all ages!

Mom Tips:
There are two hills behind Pattonville Heights Middle School. They are medium-sized slopes, great for all ages!
Mom Tips:
Sledding hill is at the corner of Brentwood and Forsyth.
North County
St. Louis County Winter Outdoor Sports Department Policy: Sledding is allowed in all County parks except Lone Elk, Veterans Memorial, and Kennedy.
Mom Tips:
Head to the hill on the right when you pull into the main entrance.
Mom Tips:
The hill itself isn’t steep or dangerous, just steer clear of the telephone pole on the right side of the hill.
Mom Tips:
This is a WINTER SPORTS park where you can snowmobile, cross-country ski, and sled. It has a great long, steep hill that is rarely crowded.
BONUS: Year-Round bathroom available!!
Mom Tips:
Sledding hill is to the right of the pavilion.

South County
St. Louis County Winter Outdoor Sports Department Policy: Sledding is allowed in all County parks except Lone Elk, Veterans Memorial, and Kennedy.
Mom Tips:
The place to sled is at the scenic circle.
Mom Tips:
The hill is long, but not steep so it is a perfect spot for younger kids to sled.
St. Charles County
Mom Tips:
This park has hills of various sizes, making it a great sledding spot for all ages!
Mom Tips:
Sledding hill is at the back of the park, near the pool.
West County
St. Louis County Winter Outdoor Sports Department Policy: Sledding is allowed in all County parks except Lone Elk, Veterans Memorial, and Kennedy.

Mom Tips:
Sledding hill sits behind the Early Childhood Center
between Crestview’s soccer and football fields.
Some parts are good for all ages,
and some parts of the hill have drop offs
that make it more suitable for older kids.
Mom Tips:
Hidden Valley has a great tubing hill
(along with skiing and snowboarding)
however there is a fee.
Mom Tips:
Sledding hill is located behind the
Greensfelder Recreation Complex
Mom Tips:
Sledding hill between football field and soccer fields.
Good for all ages.
Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church
1230 Big Bend Road, Ballwin, MO 63021
Mom Tips:
A great hill for younger kids!
Mom Tips:
Sledding hill is near the police station.