Yoga: Slow Down and Live the Life You are Intended For

I recently attended a retreat with my beloved yoga studio, Namaste, in Kirkwood. Having participated in classes there for several years, I’ve come to appreciate the energy of the instructors and the studio’s overall vibe. While most classes are hot, which can be intimidating, the instructors and fellow students consistently foster a student-centered environment focused on cultivating one’s best self.

Upon returning from the retreat, several friends asked me, “What do you do on a yoga retreat?” While I chuckled at the question, I understood that the concept might seem nebulous and foreign to some. To be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect myself, other than knowing I enjoy yoga and am embracing a slower pace in life.

I anticipated a comfy bed in a quiet hotel room, delicious meals, and uninterrupted yoga practices. I emerged with so much more. Woven into the weekend’s theme of “Living Beyond Your Potential” were moments of connection, reflection, and a deeper exploration of who we are and what we desire from our limited time on this earth. The instructors shared stories within their cues, prompting us to consider how we can delve more deeply into our personal growth.

a woman doing yoga out in natureWe also had communal moments to get to know those practicing alongside us. It was a special time where we could associate names and stories with the faces typically moving beside us in the yoga room. I realized how connected I was to these individuals, regardless of age, occupation, background, or any other demographic factor.

While I gained so much from this weekend, I recognized the confusion from friends who may not practice yoga. However, I challenge us all to explore ways to step away from our immediate circles and recognize the broader community that can offer us so much. What would some time away from your usual group look like? What would you seek in a retreat? If life isn’t offering you a retreat at this point, perhaps simple moments away could serve you, helping you become a better mother, wife, and friend. By embracing the challenge to slow down, I was able to see myself and my life more clearly.

How would you choose to slow down in life? What message could you currently benefit from hearing?

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Katie Mueth
Katie is a Des Peres mom of two young boys, Trace (2014) and Henry (2016). Katie stays home with her boys most of the time but also spends a bit of time away as a high school lacrosse coach. Katie enjoys connecting with other moms to run, meet at parks, explore new restaurants, listen to live music and discuss books. Katie and her boys can be found enjoying many activities around St. Louis including the Science Center, Zoo, Magic House, Museum of Transportation, Urban Fort and Frisco Train Store, but what they enjoy most is just being outdoors. They have tried many of the parks around St. Louis City and county and also love hiking trails at Laumeier Sculpture Park, Powder Valley and Shaw Nature Reserve. Katie and her family love all that St. Louis has to offer for families of young children and can most often be found taking advantage of all of the many opportunities.


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