Do you have a heart for our city?
Do you feel passionate about encouraging fellow moms in motherhood and striving for unity at every turn? Finding ways to seek out the good in each other and our community? That all moms in our community and their families deserve to be honored and respected?
Do you love bragging about why you love St. Louis?
St. Louis Mom is growing! We are looking for local moms who are interested in joining our contributing writer team – are you what we’re missing??! We would like to include women from all walks of motherhood and living in areas of the STL metro that aren’t currently represented on our team.
We’re honored that you would consider sharing your thoughts and experiences with our St. Louis Mom community! Before you think more on the opportunity, please read the following guidelines and feel free to contact us with any questions. We want to make sure this is the best fit for YOU.
Who and What We Are Looking For
St. Louis is a deeply rooted community with a beautiful tapestry of human beings representing a wide array of cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds. We would love to continue to build a team that echoes the diversity of our community. With that in mind, the writers we are looking for are:
- Moms in and around the greater St. Louis Metropolitan area who have a passion for motherhood and our city, who enjoy writing
- Women with a sense of humor and zest for life who don’t tend to take themselves too seriously. St. Louis Mom is a parenting resource that seeks to unite our community. Politically charged or divisive commentary is not permitted as part of our editorial policy.
- A diverse group of women who represent the demographics of our community
- Moms of children of all ages, from infants to college-age and beyond.
THINK STL: We insist on keeping our content relevant to St. Louis. Blog posts can feature places to go and things to do or more general topics {bottle-feeding, DIY, loneliness in motherhood, balancing work and life, etc.} Our content is uniquely local because it’s written by YOU!
THINK CONNECTING: We encourage our writers to find unique and thoughtful ways to engage our community. Try to include clever and catchy post titles that draw people in or spark curiosity and give your readers a reason to comment by asking questions.
ABOVE ALL: Write from your heart with the goal to spark joy in motherhood for our community and to encourage them on their motherhood journey!
What You GIVE
This is a volunteer position with some fun perks to make it worth it!
- One original post submitted every other month on topics of your choice (within our brand and mission, to be approved by our editorial team) OR two microblogs
- An active and engaged social media presence with St. Louis Mom’s platforms
- A six-month initial commitment, after which you’ll have the opportunity to remain on the team or depart
- Interest and availability to attend some in-person events
- A passion for moms, kids, and the St. Louis area!
- Reliability, team spirit, flexibility, dependability, and a great attitude!
What You GET
- Your photo and bio on the St. Louis Mom “Meet Our Contributors” page (with links to your personal blog and/or social media channels if you choose to share them – this page always gets a ton of traffic!)
- Access to our Contributing Writers Facebook group and to internal STLM communications
- Opportunity to participate in sponsored experiences for review as they become available
- Access to information and professional development in the areas of writing, blogging, SEO, social media, and event management
- Coffee shop meetings, hugs, new friends, play dates, and the joy of being in community with other moms
- Opportunity to do a contributor takeover on our Instagram platform once every six months and display your work on our social media channels
- Access to sponsored events and outings
- Discounted or complimentary St. Louis Mom event tickets
- Ad-hoc social media shares of your content to St. Louis Mom’s Instagram stories