5 Things I Would Share with a New Mom


Motherhood is messy, magical, and a little overwhelming, especially in the beginning. As my youngest tells me he is a big boy now (just turned 4!), I look back at the years of the sleepless nights, the endless diaper changes, and the emotional rollercoaster that is motherhood. There’s so much advice out there for new moms, but I wanted to share 5 things I personally wish someone would have told me as a new mom. 

Photo by Katie Prestemon Photography
❤️1. Forget Perfect, Aim for Good Enough. And don’t compare yourself to other moms.

The pressure to be the “perfect mom” is everywhere—from Instagram to family to friends. So many picture-perfect photos swarm the internet!!! But let me tell you, perfect doesn’t exist. And it shouldn’t exist!!!! Your baby doesn’t care if the laundry isn’t folded, or if dinner is frozen pizza, or if their clothes match. What matters is that you’re showing up, loving them, and doing your best.

❤️2. Take Care of You, Too!

This one is SO important! It’s so easy to lose yourself in motherhood, but you can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential. Even if it’s just five minutes with a cup of coffee or a solo walk, find something that fills your tank. We need to take care of ourselves first in order to take care of our kids. Never feel like you are being selfish for working out or taking care of yourself!!

❤️3. Your Baby Isn’t the Only One Learning. And We don’t have to know it all.

What is crazy hard about your first child is that you go home with your new baby and literally have no idea what you are doing or what the future holds. Every month is something new, and you learn as you go and as they grow. Each stage is new and that is what makes having your first baby so hard! As a new mom, remember that you’re learning just as much as your baby. 

❤️4. Don’t feel guilty for working.

This was a big one for me. I would be lying if I said it was no big deal when I went back to work. It felt like a HUGE deal, and I had a lot of mom guilt for about 2 years after my first was born. Guilt for doing daycare, guilt for being gone so much during the week, guilt for switching to formula because pumping was too hard. Here is the thing: We have passions and talents to give to this world, that can still happen as a mom! What our kids care about is our love, how we make them feel and to know we are always there for them. And trust me – they see and feel that!!!

❤️5. Find Joy in the Little Moments

This is an important one!!! Most days will be very ordinary days. But you will look back and realize that those were actually the most special days! When it is just you and baby, with no big plans but to just hang and be with each other, that is actually a very special day. It’s those little moments that you’ll cherish most. When we enjoy the little, simple moments – that make up most of our life – we begin to enjoy life even more.

If you are a new mom, I hope some of these tips were helpful! If you have a tip to share, comment below!



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