Change Starts with YOU!


2019 is here!  It’s a new year with the promise of new opportunity.  A clean slate.  Many of us focus our time and energy towards our health and fitness goals.  Unfortunately for most, the motivation tends to dwindle after the first few weeks of the year and we end up frustrated, falsely promising ourselves that we’ll get back to it soon enough.  

I know because I struggled with my weight and exercise (or lack there-of) for years.  I would say I was going to make a change, but deep down, I didn’t really want to.  I was more comfortable where I was.  I liked my fast food.  I liked being lazy and not working out.  It was easier than the latter.  What finally made me change?  ME.  I was tired of feeling sick and tired.  Tired of the image in the mirror not matching what I knew deep down was the real me.  Tired of eating poorly and feeling even worse afterwards.  Tired of not wanting to go out because I couldn’t stand the thought of wearing anything other than baggy sweatshirts and pajama pants.  Tired of not being the best version of myself.  I knew I could do better in all areas of my life.  

The problem was me.  It wasn’t the fast food, it wasn’t my job, it wasn’t my family or friends, it wasn’t any other excuse I had told myself in the past.  It was ME.  I had to come to terms with that in order to face it and change it.  I knew I had to get uncomfortable in order to get better.  So I did.  I started walking.  I took a hard look at what I was eating and why I was making those choices.  I was intentional with my WHY.  In order to make a change, you don’t need a new year to motivate you.  

All you need is already within you, you just need to decide.  When I owned that, my whole life changed.  I went from not being able to walk a mile to running a marathon.  I went from loathing running to now coaching my own run club right here in St. Louis.  I went from overweight with a BMI in the obese category to losing 50 pounds and in the best shape of my life as a mom of a toddler. My passion is now to help others see what is possible and help them change their life.  

So, what steps can you take right now to becoming a healthier version of yourself?  Write down what you are eating and make small changes.  Swap water for soda and healthier snacks for candy.  Go to a local running store and get fitted for athletic shoes.  Next, you have to actually use them!  Find a friend to walk with. Having the accountability of a workout buddy or group can keep you motivated.  You may cancel on yourself for a workout, but you are less likely to cancel on a friend!  Search for local exercise groups in the area, I know of one with a great coach and motivator (me)!  Visit a few local gyms or exercise facilities to see which one feels like the best fit for you.  Personally, I love Burn Bootcamp because of the positive community and amazing group support.  

Lastly, ask yourself WHY you really want this and write it down.  I believe that when you can really commit to your WHY, it sticks with you in those moments when you may feel like giving up. You can change your life, I am living proof.  It’s all within you, just decide and don’t give up on yourself.  I’ll be here cheering you on every step of the way!

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Courtney Gerding
Courtney and her husband Matt were born and raised in St. Louis. Courtney stays home with their little boy, Noah and is a certified run coach and trainer. She found her passion in health and fitness through her own journey to better health, losing 50 pounds with good old fashioned diet and exercise. She has ten years of experience coaching run groups with Fleet Feet, Fit4Mom and she now coaches her own local Run Club here in St. Louis. A former 'couch potato’ to marathoner, she even ran a half marathon during each trimester of her pregnancy. Besides running, she loves early morning workouts at Burn Bootcamp, traveling, running around town in her workout clothes and baseball cap, spending time with her family and relaxing with a glass of wine! She’s all about having fun, laughing, spreading positivity, meeting new people and motivating others to live their happiest, healthiest life. She is thrilled to be a part of the STL Moms Blog team and can’t wait to share her health and fitness tips with you!


  1. Awesome Courtney! Thanks for your continued encouragement and support on my journey to a healthier and better version of ME!

  2. Very nicely written and such an amazing story! I may be biased because I am married to you but nicely done! I have had the privilege of having a front row seat to all the amazing things that you have, and continue, to accomplish. You have helped and encouraged so many fantastic people along the way and I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things that you set your sights on in 2019! Keep living what you love!

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