I knew there would be a day when I would look back and wonder where the time had gone, but I did not quite realize I was there.
This summer was pure magic. It was slow mornings at home with coffee and books. It was pickleball in the park, where the ball stayed moving back and forth. It was adventures to places we were not quite willing to adventure to before. It was sitting by the pool, reading a book. This summer was both intensely loud and eerily quiet. As the summer days drifted away and we prepared for the start of school, I stopped to ask myself, “Where did the time go?” How did we get to a place where we are having this type of summer?

Not long ago, I was pushing a double stroller and wondering why all the places for little kids opened at morning snack time when we seemed to have already lived half of our day. I was putting the kids down for naps and anxiously anticipating how long the naps would last so I could complete all of my daily chores. I was buckling kids into car seats and peeking at them in the mirror to see if they fell asleep on the ride home. Where did these days go?
They went to the first day of school, all the breaks in between, and culminating another year.
They went to incredible vacations, creating lifelong memories.
They went to late-night soccer practices and early-morning games.
They went to impromptu play dates and friendships being made.
They went to pool days, snow days, Magic House visits, and trips to the zoo.
When I sit back and ask where the time went, I can look at the pictures of my babies and be filled with immense sadness. I miss those days of little ones reaching incredible milestones all the time. However, I would be remiss to mourn the loss of days gone by without celebrating how we spent those days. I am so lucky to be the mom of two incredibly fun and adventurous little boys. While the time has gone fast, we sure have enjoyed the years, and I am ecstatic to see how the years ahead will transpire, too.