Whether you’re a St. Louis native, a recent transplant, or somewhere in between, it doesn’t take long to get caught up in some of St. Louis’ most cherished cultural nuances.
Enjoying the beauty and free attractions in Forest Park,float trips in the summer, trivia nights with friends,overeating toasted ravioli and gooey butter cake, and seeing the 650-foot tall Arch off in the distance are some of the things that make St. Louis special.
Of course, Cardinals baseball holds a special place in most of our hearts, as does earning the title of the second biggest Mardi Gras celebration in the country.
But in between these two events comes a time where we kick off a series of 40 days where every Friday, hundreds of local churches and organizations host weekly fish fries.
While the majority of locations that host fish fries are Catholic churches, a lot of other Christian churches and non-denominational organizations get in on the fish fry fun to bring the community together.
Your religious beliefs and affiliations don’t matter – your love of fish (fried, baked, cod, tilapia, tacos, and more!), food, friends, and family are all you need for the next several Fridays. And because St. Louis does not like to be outdone, we take our fish frying to another level with literally hundreds of fish fry options.