Amy Sanders

Amy Sanders
Amy is in her forties and raising three school-aged kids, so between working part-time and color-coding the family calendar, she tries to keep up with her book club and her sanity.
a boy hitting a baseball as parents and fans look on with sportsmanship

Sportsmanship: Reclaiming the Love of the Game

  I recently experienced that milestone that you read about in the parent blogs and occasionally see played out on the evening news: fan parents behaving badly at their kid’s game. The details of ......
two tween girls in track uniforms standing by a chain link fence

Prepping for the Tween Stage: Q+A

Prepping for the Tween Stage is a collaborative post between Amy Sanders and Katie Peel Vondera.     If you have a kid in the 8-12 age range, buckle up! You are approaching what has become known...

Finding Hope in the Holiday Madness

Feeling the stress and overwhelm of the season? There is hope in the holiday madness...   Regardless of whether you observe Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Diwali, Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year, none of the above, or something...
a young boy and girl reading books to animal shelter dogs

5 Ways your Family can Help Local Animal Shelters (Besides Adoption!)

When it was time for my family to welcome a new furry friend, we opted to rescue a pup from a local shelter. Pet adoption is one of the best ways to help end...

Seasons of Motherhood: Grade School

      In life, there’s a season for everything, including motherhood. Just like winter transitions to spring, moms transition from diapers and bottles, to lunchboxes and little league, to learners’ permits and prom dates. There’s beauty...
a group of women chatting on the street

Modern Mom Friendships

Earlier this week, we shared the evolution of friendships. Amy enforces this notion and the need for all of us to find our friendship comfort zone.       There is no one “right” way to do friendship as...
a woman standing in front of the grill, grilling burgers and hot dogs

🔥This Mama’s on Fire🔥: Stepping Up Your Grilling Game

  I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but GRILLING ISN’T JUST FOR GUYS! The image of a man standing at a grill, tongs in one hand, a cold beer in the other, may...
a parent and child walking on a wooded path, the moms arm around her child

Raising Resilient Kids

  How resilient are your kids?   If you were one of the lucky parents who got to facilitate online learning at some point during the past two years, your household happiness was largely dependent upon how...
a girl in a Girl Scout vest with patches, holding a trophy

Happy National Girl Scouts Day!

Happy National Girl Scouts Day! While everyone knows about Thin Mints and Samoas, you may not know much about the girls (or the organization) behind the cookies. Having been a Girl Scout myself, I...
a small child reaching up to the counter to grab a strawberry, as he tries something new

Try Something New

As the pandemic grinds into Year Three, I think we can all agree that we are collectively stuck in a rut. While we can’t magically wish away COVID, there are things we can do...