Angie Mitchell

Angie Mitchell
Angelica "Angie' Mitchell resides in St. Charles, Missouri with her husband and two grown-ish children. They relocated from Los Angeles in 2016. Angie describes her current season of motherhood as one entering the second-halfer stage of life. This season has brought margin for new rhythms and passions for her. It has also presented new opportunities to learn how to parent children turning ages 20 and 17 in a way that continues to be loving, but also honoring to them as they become young adults.

Back to Square One Moments

A few weekends ago, we took our son on a college visit, and we sat in on an admissions presentation. I hate to admit...

Mommy and Child: When it’s Not Supposed to Be This Way

It was the last day of school before summer break. Teachers and students waited in anticipation for the dismissal bell. Everyone waited for the...

Mommy Get-Tos

Now into my late 40’s, I see and understand the gift of get-tos.  Motherhood has offered countless “get-tos”, and through those get-tos I get...

Life Will Ask A Lot of You

I am finishing a glass of wine, about to have a second, decompressing after a long day at work. I am thinking and feeling...
seasons of motherhood: college written on a banner across the middle of a photo of a mom holding a child’s hand

Seasons of Motherhood: College

As we get ready to send our kids back to school, we are resharing our Seasons of Motherhood: College post with you!     In life, there’s...

The Art of Rest

We teach, model, and impart many things on our children. Sometimes intentionally, and other times, unintentionally. Nevertheless, on a daily basis, our children watch...

Have You Asked Lately?

Have You Asked Lately?   Have you asked your children lately? “How are you?” “What do you need?” “What do you want more or less of?” “How can I help?”   Check-ins...
a man leaning in, smiling at his wife, who is also smiling

From This Day Forward

From this day forward … Words exchanged. Promises made. Once upon a time, hopeful and desirous of a happy and seamless marriage. Perhaps initially naive about the...
a daisy bud transforming into a bloom as a symbol of the seasons of life

Seasons Come + Go

What season of life do you find yourself in?    The days are long, and the years are short. This could not ring more true in this...