Katie Vondera

Katie Vondera
Katie is a St. Louis native, coffee lover, and difference maker. She has a passion for teaching at-risk high schoolers how to find joy in reading and writing. She is a divorced mother of two incredibly strong girls who can be found watching The Voice, eating ice cream, and staying up late reading. Katie and her girls love exploring St. Louis-hiking and playing at local parks, getting away to Pere Marquette, breakfasting at Strange Donuts or The Barn, and learning at all of the museums.

One Day at a Time: Single Mom, Two Kids, Two Jobs

I'm a full-custody, full-time, high school teacher trying to make ends meet with a side teaching job one night a week. Other women often tell me they don't know how I do it all....

Review: Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra Family Concert Series is Worth It!

This post is sponsored by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra but all opinions about the experience are my own.  We in St. Louis are fortunate to have a myriad  of family events and opportunities to...

Martha Stewart Magic Or: How the Instant Pot Changed My Life

Few things taste better than a pot roast cooked in grandma’s crockpot. You know that crockpot: it’s a circle, not oval; it’s mustard colored or cream and might have some really neat brown and...

When Kids Miss the Other Parent

Kids expect their parents to explain a lot. And they expect us to have an answer every time they ask the question why. Give me a scraped knee or a bruised elbow, and I...

Simplifying My Life, One Craft Project At A Time

It is a universally acknowledged truth that for younger siblings, nothing is ever fair. This becomes even more pronounced when the siblings are fewer than 18 months apart and are both girls. Why does...

To the Parent Doing it All This Father’s Day

Growing up, there was never a year I didn’t give my dad a Father's Day card. When I was really little, I’d make it out of construction paper and crayons. Later, I loved picking...