Mandi Tuhro

Mandi Tuhro
Mandi is originally from a small town and moved to Saint Louis in 2015 for a new job and new love. She has lived in a few areas of Saint Louis including the Central West End/De Baliviere and Lindenwood Park areas but has found a place to call home in Webster Groves. She has been married to her husband Seth since 2017 and they had their first son, Walter in March 2020. She is being inducted into the “two under two” club in January 2022! Mandi works full time as a Nurse Practitioner. When she is not working, you can find her park hopping and trying to wrangle her son, brainstorming freezer meal ideas, mourning the loss of “The Office” from Netflix, or at Katie’s Pizza and Pasta in Rock Hill. Mandi is passionate about making Motherhood feel less lonely and encouraging community through vulnerability.
a 35 mm camera connected to a computer to upload photos

Photo Memories, Part 2: Storage Overwhelm

You are nearly out of storage. You will no longer be able to receive emails in 14 days.  Anyone else frequently receive this message? Cue...

What Makes a Memory?

What is your most cherished childhood memory? How is it that we spend all of this time planning out and preparing the magic of every...

I Finally Asked for What I Wanted: Here’s What Happened

Earlier this year, I was drowning. Not overwhelmed. Not in need of a break.  Drowning.  And like many other Moms who wear all of the hats...
an organized walk in closet full of in style clothing

Personal Style in my 30s

How much thought goes into your style?   When I was 16 years old, a professional personal stylist came to my classroom to teach us how...

XOXO, an Overstimulated Mom

Tips from an overstimulated mom ...     I remember starting my first baby registry like it was yesterday. The swaddles, the pacifiers, the perfect matching bed...

Motherhood: I Just Don’t Feel Like Myself Anymore

“I don’t know. I just don’t feel like myself anymore,” I was standing in my kitchen saying these words to my husband, my closest confidant,...
a mom holding her newborn baby after using a doula to assist with the birth

My Experience Using a Birth Doula

Have you considered using a birth doula? If you are considering it or are just curious, keep reading to learn more about my experience...
a steering wheel covered with post it notes of to-dos

My Wit’s End and Other Places I’ve Never Been

  Have you ever been at your wit’s end? Maybe, maybe not ...     "Mama, where are you going?" I remember asking 300 times a day when...
a cell phone on a table with AirPods on top of it

Are You Overly Accessible?

        When was the last time you thought to yourself, “Man, I just want to go live in a cabin in the woods away from...
a mom staring at her baby as he drinks from a bottle

Life is Hard: Are You Okay?

Make a point to check in with yourself regularly: are you okay?     As we approach the halfway point of this year, I share with you...