Rachel Hodges

Rachel Hodges
Rachel is originally from the Chicagoland area, but has grown deep Saint Louis roots over the last fifteen years. She married her high school sweetheart and they live in the Metro East with their three children and spunky puppy. Rachel is the kind of Mom who loves watching her kids grow and learn new things, and also wishes time would slow down a bit. Rachel and her husband love to travel together, dream together, and enjoy time with friends and family. Rachel loves getting lost in a story and is always up for a book or podcast recommendation. She loves time outside, good questions, long conversations, and a good theme to plan a party or meal around. Rachel works as a Child, Adolescent and Family Therapist who provides counseling, parent coaching and equipping. She loves helping parents strengthen their relationships with their children, and helping parents understand their children through a developmental lens. Rachel believes we were all meant to be heard, feel known and be absolutely delighted in.
a heart shaped leaf, torn and but back together again

“I Just Need to be Sad, Mommy!!!”

“I just need to be sad, Mommy!” It was my fifth night in a row of doing bedtime with my three kids by myself. I had said yes to staying outside extra long to play with...
an engagement ring in a velvet box

I’ll Always Say Yes to Us

What does it take to get a girl to say yes?!?   Fifteen years ago today, (August 8) my husband proposed to me.     It was a warm summer evening in Saint Louis. My boyfriend of five years...
a family gathered around the kitchen table as a representation of the balance of family rhythm

Family Life and Summer Rhythms

I can hardly believe it – but here we are, mid-summer.   The newness of summer freedom has likely faded, the stores are attacking us with back-to-school sales, and yet, we still have some time before...

Processing the Pandemic: Find Your Words, Tell Your Story

Have you taken any steps in processing the pandemic?   Over the last five or so years, two of my dearest friends and I have fallen into a rhythm in which one of us will randomly...
a mug of hot chocolate with snowman marshmallows and snowflake sprinkles

On Snow Days & Seasons of Motherhood

More so than ever before, I have found myself longing for snow this winter. I want the kind of snow that lays a thick blanket of white, leaving streets and front lawns indistinguishable from...

Proactive Ways to Care for Your Child’s Mental Health

As we continue to navigate living through a pandemic, the warning sounds are growing louder regarding our children’s mental health.  In October, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent...
a mom and son building with blocks on the floor as they high five each other

We are the Champions: Celebrating the Daily Moments of Motherhood

  As we were pulling out of the driveway and headed to my sons’ violin lessons, my oldest said, “Hey, Mom! You should play We Are The Champions."     I couldn’t help but giggle - you see...