Add strength training to your workout routine.
Let’s be honest—motherhood is a full-body workout in itself. You’re constantly picking up kids, carrying groceries, wrestling car seats, and somehow balancing a laundry basket, a toddler, and a coffee all at once. (Truly, Olympic-level skills.)
But if you’re not strength training yet, it’s time to start—because after 30, things start shifting. Metabolism slows down, energy dips, and suddenly, you can tweak your back just by sleeping wrong.
If you want to feel stronger, more energized, and ready to tackle everything mom life throws at you, lifting weights is the answer.
Strength Training = a Mom’s BFF
1️⃣ More Strength for Everyday Mom Life’
From carrying a sleeping 50-pound child up the stairs to lugging a stroller through an airport, motherhood requires serious functional strength. Strength training helps you build the muscle and endurance to handle it all.
2️⃣ Faster Metabolism, Less Fatigue
After 30, we naturally lose muscle (rude), which means a slower metabolism. Strength training builds muscle, which burns more calories—even when you’re sitting on the couch recovering from bedtime battles.
3️⃣ Fewer Aches & Pains
Low back pain? Sore knees? That weird shoulder ache from constantly carrying your toddler on one side? Lifting weights strengthens your core and joints, reducing those nagging mom-bod pains.
4️⃣ More Energy (Yes, Really!)
It sounds backwards, but strength training actually gives you more energy. Instead of relying on coffee (okay, in addition to coffee), lifting helps regulate hormones, improve sleep, and keep you from feeling like a zombie by 2 p.m.
5️⃣ Setting an Example for Your Kids
Our kids watch everything we do. When they see us making fitness a priority, they learn that being strong and taking care of our bodies is important. Plus, you’ll be the mom who can keep up at the playground and win a push-up contest.
Listen, momma—you’re already strong. You grow humans, keep small people alive, and run on minimal sleep. But strength training? That’s the thing that’s going to help you feel like YOU again.