Reach your fitness goals with these 7 tips!
I’ve been in the fitness industry for 12+ years and have worked with hundreds of women (and men) on their fitness journeys. I have seen what sticks and what doesn’t!
Whether you’re just now dipping your toe in the fitness world or have been here for a while, these 7 tips will help set you up for success with any fitness goal you’re setting:
Not where you want to be. Not where you think you should be. Not where others think you should be. But where you are now.
There’s no need to compare yourself to a past version of yourself, or your neighbor, or someone you saw on social media. This is YOUR journey, and it’s going to look different for everyone.
Stop trying to do everything at once. Choose ONE thing to work at first. Change is hard at first- even a little hiccup in your routine can be a lot, so take it slow. When that ONE thing you’re working on becomes a little less hard, then add another one.
… and then show up for yourself and do the work. There are always a million reasons we can talk ourselves out of a workout, but ACTION is what will produce results.
Know that every workout doesn’t need to be 100% effort, but consistency in workouts is what’s going to be the big dial mover.
Workouts are great- but daily movement is just as important (if not more) as the workout. I cannot stress to you how much walks will benefit you and help you reach your goals.
Throw the kids in the stroller, get a walking pad, visit a local mall and get in your steps, park farther away, take the stairs at work— even if your fitness tracker doesn’t count it- your body does!
You don’t need hours in a gym every day or an elaborate workout plan. Simple workouts – with the right programming and consistency – will work!
Get your partner/spouse on board, find an accountability friend, or hire a coach! Having a supportive connection during this time is crucial for success.
Real talk: expect it to be messy – every day will not be perfect. It’s inevitable that workouts will be cut short due to a sick kid. Some workouts will feel sluggish while others will be invigorating! You won’t feel motivated all the time – in fact, you probably won’t be motivated MOST of the time. But you’re gonna show up anyway because you deserve to take care of yourself and feel good.

Incorporating the 7 S’s into your fitness journey isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress. Starting where you are, setting realistic goals, staying consistent, and leaning on support will help you create habits that stick.
Remember, your fitness journey is unique and it doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s. Simple steps, small wins, and showing up for yourself day after day will add up over time.
It won’t always be easy, but the effort you put into taking care of yourself will always be worth it. Success may take time, but with patience and persistence, you’ll get there. This is your journey—make it one you’re proud of!