Fertility 101: 3 Things to Know this World Infertility Awareness Month

This post is sponsored by STL Fertility.

June is World Infertility Awareness Month, highlighting infertility issues faced by people around the world each year. That’s right – the WORLD.


There is a misconception that infertility affects only a small part of the population, but, according to the World Health Organization, between 48 million couples and 186 million individuals experience some sort of infertility throughout their life. With so many affected, it is the perfect occasion for common myths and stigmas regarding infertility to be debunked and to provide support to all of our parents-in-waiting, including those who have experienced pregnancy loss, secondary infertility, and same-sex couples.


In addition, this month helps increase awareness, as many couples don’t even know they are infertile and keep trying to conceive for months before they realize there might be an issue (ahem … inserting a PSA from our whole STL Fertility family: couples that have been trying to conceive for 6+ months should seek a consultation with a fertility specialist – don’t wait!). A consultation with a fertility specialist can provide hope, support, and ultimately, solutions all couples can opt for, no matter where they are on their journey.



What causes infertility?


It is worth mentioning that a lot of factors are at play: male factors, female factors – sometimes even a combination of both – while other times, it cannot be explained. These can include health conditions and lifestyle factors. Regardless of the diagnosis, women, men, partners, and couples alike should know that they are never at fault for their struggles. The feelings of hopelessness and loneliness are real – but they do not have to be your reality. You are not alone, and your journey is not less significant than anyone else’s.


Oh, and by the way, our team at STL Fertility is fed up with the term “infertility”. It implies that those who are experiencing infertility are somehow broken. Fertility should not be isolating. We believe we all exist on the same plane of fertility with varying factors at play that move our positioning up and down that spectrum. Those who are on the lower end of fertility are not broken, damaged, or less worthy than those at the high end— they simply have a different set of factors at play.


So, what do I do? How do I know when I should seek care from a specialist?



Good question! If you have been trying to conceive for 6+ months, we recommend speaking with a fertility specialist. We also want to remind ALL of those who are trying to start a family or expand their family – same-sex couples, those interested in surrogacy, those experiencing secondary infertility (that darn word again!), and those considering egg freezing – that the earlier you seek consultation, the better! Knowledge is power, and it builds a path forward.


But it is not just about when you should seek care, but it is also about what you should look for in your fertility partner. When choosing your fertility team, we want you to pick a clinic that truly feels like another partner— an extension of your family. We like to call our patients our STL Fertility family, because that is the level of care we want them to experience. Consider these questions:


  • Does this clinic seem to provide a safe and supportive environment?
  • Are they willing to work with me no matter what stage of life I am in?


These are all important things to consider! And wouldn’t it be nice if they could truly understand what you are going through? It’s no coincidence that many of our STL Fertility employees first entered our clinic doors as patients. We are in the trenches with you every step of the way.


And finally, do not forget the importance of Board-Certified care. This can be harder to find than just glancing at a website/social media or reading through testimonials. Be sure you see that your clinic is highly credentialed and progressive, utilizing advanced technologies, testing, treatment, and processes to bring the best, most advanced fertility care.


Your fertility journey is yours and yours alone. Each journey is unique, so it’s next to impossible to compare your experience with that of a friend or family member. Don’t discount their recommendations, but make sure you’re choosing a provider and care plan based on your unique circumstances.


We know it can be overwhelming to start seeking fertility services and figuring out how and what this journey will bring. But the team of specialists and emotional-support gurus at STL Fertility are in your corner.⁠ We see you. We hear you. And we’re ready to support you.