Let’s Make It a Damp February!


Did you have a Dry January? I didn’t! My birthday falls in January (cheers!), and this January proved to be twice as long due to the normal school holidays plus the added snow days. So, I’m having a Damp February instead. Won’t you join me? First, let’s define what we’re talking about:

Dry vs. Damp

Dry = abstain from alcohol completely

Damp = cut back and drink less frequently

Why Damp?

Abstaining from all alcohol for a month is a worthy (and sometimes necessary) goal and nothing to scoff at, but it tends to be a short-lived resolution if you’re just looking to rethink your relationship with booze for whatever reason. Going damp has a better success rate in the long run, because you don’t have to give it up completely, just cut back. It’s the old “everything in moderation” approach. Ultimately, you can indulge when it makes sense and skip when it doesn’t!

Set a Goal

The ultimate goal of Damp February is to cut back on your overall drinking, but that can look different from person-to-person depending on where you’re starting from and why you’re cutting back. But in order to actually change your behavior, you can’t just set the goal as “less”, you need to set some clear boundaries! Think …

Cutting back on the total # of drinks per week

Only drinking on weekends 

Only one drink per sitting 

Only drinking socially (vs drinking alone)

Only drinking low-ABV beverages like seltzers or beer

Only drinking when you feel WELL (avoid drinking when you feel the negative emotions of anxiety, fear, depression, loneliness, etc.)

Practical Tips

  • If you’re mixing up a cocktail at home, lower the amount of liquor (think 1 oz. instead of the standard 1.5 oz shot)
  • Or, when ordering at a bar/restaurant, ask the bartender to “water down” your drink by adding more of the mixer (tonic water, club soda, ginger beer, juice, etc.) to your cocktail
  • If you normally have two drinks in a sitting, swap out the second drink for something non-alcoholic but still fun – switching to plain water may be better for your overall health but isn’t very fun or celebratory!
  • Make that glass of wine or classic cocktail a spritzer, swapping out some of the wine/liquor for sparkling water, club soda, tonic water, etc.

Set Yourself Up for Success

Don’t say you’re going damp and then just wing it! Read up on the health and social implications of drinking to help establish what you want your personal limit to be. Be intentional and stock up on some alternatives for home. Before you go out,  look ahead at the drink menu and see if the place has N/A (non-alcoholic) options or fun mocktails (if not, maybe pick a better place!). Use the frighteningly spot on social media algorithms for good and follow N/A brands and influencers online who practice mindful drinking. Your newsfeed will be filled with new ideas and products to spur you on!

N/A Alternatives to Check Out



Ritual Proof Zero

Canned Mocktails:


Hella Bitters & Soda Bittersweet Spritz 

Curious Elixirs

Free AF


Athletic Brewing Co


DIY Alternative

Don’t want to invest in “fake” booze? Try this formula instead:

Part 1. Give it flavor (fresh-squeezed fruit juice, flavored syrups, etc.)

Part 2. Give it complexity (bitters, splash of apple cider vinegar, or kombucha)

Part 3. Make it fizz (sparkling water, club soda, tonic water, ginger beer, fresca, etc.)

Part 4. Make it fancy – pour into a glass you’d ordinarily use for a cocktail or glass of wine and add a garnish (citrus peel/slices, a cherry, sprig of fresh herb, olive, etc.) and don’t forget the ice! Use the same ice you would in that cocktail – crushed, molded cube, whiskey stones, etc.

Stay thirsty damp, my friends!


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