Don’t forget your special Galentine’s this year!
Us Moms … we are BUSY. Over-stimulated, burned out, stressed, over-worked, overwhelmed, and sometimes, it can feel lonely and never-ending … just going day to day, doing the same old things, answering the millions of questions from our lovely children …
The long day finally comes to an end, and then maybe it’s just you and your husband … and … you’re so tired from the day’s events that you sometimes don’t have time to spend with that person you love and adore … you need reset so you can do it all over again the very next day …
That’s been me a lot recently! I am coming off of one of the hardest years of my life where I felt alone and unseen. But! Little did I know that I did have some beautiful friends (some who recently came into my life) that seemed to know EXACTLY what this Mom and wife needed.
So, if you are possibly thinking of a thoughtful gift for that special friend in your life- a Galentine- think about some of these simple and thoughtful gifts that I have recently received that meant SO much to me!
Dinner on Us- My husband and I sometimes ask our neighbors (who have become like family to us!) to watch our dog while we are away for a night with our kids. Well, when we came home (this was during the holidays), there was a gift basket sitting next to our tree with the sweetest card that expressed how much they appreciated our friendship and a super thoughtful gift for busy parents- money for a nice “dinner on us!” AND! They even said they would watch our kids so that we could go on this dinner date, just the two of us. I still don’t think they know how much that gift meant to us …
Watch the kids- I was chatting with one of my friends (who we met in St. Lucia in August and has become the friend that I always wanted and needed!) and we were trying to make plans to get together … I happened to mention to her that I didn’t think we would be able to get together for a double date because! We had the kids and we couldn’t find a babysitter … AND! That my husband and I hadn’t been to a dinner (just the two of us) since our big trip to St. Lucia back in August … well! My friend texted me back and said she would come over and watch the kids for us so we could go out to dinner! AND! She insisted that I wasn’t to pay her; it was just something she wanted to do for us … I about cried! She came over that Saturday (her and her fiancé!) and watched the boys so we could go out to have a nice dinner (thanks to our other friends!). And the icing on the cake … she came prepared with games and! Dinner to cook for the boys AND! Dessert! She even cleaned up after! And! They stayed after so we could hang out for a bit …
Pay for their meal! Recently, a friend of mine and I got together for brunch! We caught up on everything! We talked about our kids, our husbands, and her recent job opportunity! We spoke about possible plans for when we turn 40 this year! And at the end of our brunch, I was planning on paying for my meal. She told the waiter to bring us one check and she paid for my meal! For a Mommy who makes most of my family’s meals, it was so nice to have someone take care of my meal! Such a treat!
Each of these gifts meant SO much to me … to my husband and I. To have someone offer to take care of your kids so you can spend time with your husband … to have someone pay for your meal or your dinner out with your sweetheart … meant so much! So, maybe think about something you can do for that fellow mom or friend for Galentine’s Day (February 13th!) this year … here are a couple of more gift ideas for that special friend:
A note/affirmations jar to tell them all the reasons why you love them and their friendship, or maybe even your favorite memories.
- Grab a sweet treat (maybe some cookies or candy) or maybe their favorite drink and attach a meaningful quote, such as, “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”
- Arrange a surprise Galentine’s Date with your friend! Go to a movie, sit down for a cocktail/apps at a Galentine’s Day Pop-Up, go to a bookstore and pick out a book to read together, get mani/pedis together!
I would love to hear ways that a special friend touched your heart … !