Kelly W.

Kelly W.
Kelly was born in Los Angeles, CA, and raised in her hometown of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma (GO BA!) where she graduated as a Tiger. Soon thereafter, she moved to Columbia, MO, and attended The University of Missouri-Columbia (a Tiger again!). She graduated in 2009 with her degree in Actuarial Science with an emphasis in Finance. While at Mizzou, she met her husband. Once they graduated, they moved back to St. Louis. They got married in St. Lucia in 2014 in front of all of their closest friends and family after being together for 5 years! A couple of years later (2! To be exact!) they had their oldest son! During the pandemic they had their youngest son and feel their beautiful family is complete! Being a Mom is the most challenging and rewarding job! Kelly truly LOVES and adores her boys! They are blessings and her heart! After working super hard at her job for the past nine years (almost a decade whoohooo!), she attained her dream role! She is a Data Engineer specializing in Data Integration. What is that? …maybe one day she will talk about it! She loves her job- it’s super challenging!! She is not the biggest fan of being on-call once a month, but! Hey! Sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do! As mentioned earlier, Kelly loves St. Louis … she lives in Ballwin and adores her neighbors and neighborhood. Her family is the most important thing to her. They love doing everything together! They love taking their boys to parks, water parks (especially with summer! Whooo! )… pretty much any place that they can get all of that energy out!! They have energy for days … weeks … heck! She just needs 5% of it and she’d be set for the rest of her life! She and her husband also find it important to have their alone time- they love dates! Thanks to her super supportive and loving MIL, they get to go on dates from time to time! They love trying new spots to eat (Brass Rail is a new favorite with the best martinis!), going to the movies and traveling! Kelly’s looking forward to sharing her thoughts on a variety of topics and she is hoping you will be open to listening and maybe discussing!
three friends celebrating Galentine's day

Galentine’s Day Gift Ideas!

Don't forget your special Galentine's this year! Us Moms … we are BUSY. Over-stimulated, burned out, stressed, over-worked, overwhelmed, and sometimes, it can feel lonely and never-ending … just going day to day, doing the...

Hello! I’m a Summer Girl …

Hello, fall!!! … hello fall? ... Who’s ready for Pumpkin Spice?!!! … not me!  Contrary to belief … there’s a Mom out there that doesn’t like fall … the cooler weather … the pumpkin spice drinks … the...

BRAVOCON – I did Something for Me …

Self-Care ... what is self-care?  According to the dictionary ... it is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. Another definition is the practice of taking an active role in...

… and she did!

Sometimes it's the simple things ... like The Little Red Hen ... that mean the world.   One evening recently, I sat down with my youngest son to read a story that has been special to...

First-Time Campers!

I’ve always had an excitement for the idea of camping … well, the thought of it, at least. And up until recently, it was just a thought … something I wanted to do with...


Forgiveness is more powerful than you may realize.   ....I forgive you.  Those three words are so powerful. Recently, I have learned (in very hard ways) to forgive. Not necessarily for the person on the receiving end,...

Mommy Needs Time Alone!

Don’t feel guilty when you realize that mommy needs time alone!     …. Mommy Needs SOME TIME ... time to herself. I feel like I am catching myself saying this more and more … call it the...

Creating Traditions: Holiday Lights A La Carte!

Looking for the best holiday lights in the area? Look no further!   The holidays are here once again! That means it’s time for thinking about gifts, planning meals, decorating- all THE THINGS! But, it also...
photos of a woman with her mom as a daughter always needs her mama

A Daughter Always Needs Her Mama

As we get knee deep in the leaves of fall— the days getting shorter, the dark being longer than the light … I find myself literally in a debilitating place of GRIEF.      November 5th -...

Seasons of Motherhood: The Toddler / Preschool Years

      In life, there’s a season for everything, including motherhood. Just like winter transitions to spring, moms transition from diapers and bottles to lunchboxes and little league, to learners’ permits and prom dates. There’s beauty...