Radical Self-Love for Moms in Every Season


Motherhood is a series of seasons, isn’t it? Seasons of stretching, of holding tight, of letting go. Seasons of lullabies and sleepless nights. Of endless snack requests, scraped knees, teenage eye rolls, and whispered “I love you’s” when they think you’re not listening. Seasons of being needed in ways that consume you … and then, one day, in ways that barely brush the edges of your world.

Now, as an empty-nester, with my five spread across different states, I feel the shift in my bones. My heart still beats in sync with theirs, but the rhythm is different. Quieter. It’s an ache and a gift all at once—to have poured so much love into them that they could take it and fly.

And so, to the moms in every season: Practice radical self-love.

When they are little and clinging to you, love yourself by making space for your joy, too. You are not just the keeper of schedules and bedtime stories. You are a whole person, deserving of your own magic.

When they are pulling away, testing limits, love yourself by holding your worth close. You are not defined by their moods, their choices, or their struggle to find themselves. You are still you. Glorious. Strong. A steady light.

When they have flown, love yourself by becoming again. You were never just “Mom.” You are an ever-evolving masterpiece, worthy of adventure, passion, and wild, unapologetic self-expression.

grandma holding first grand baby
My “holding my first grand baby” season, 2019

Radical self-love is not selfish—it is survival. It is the way we show our children that love is not a currency they must earn, but a birthright they must claim, starting with themselves.

So, wherever you are in your motherhood journey, let’s make a promise:
✨ To pour into ourselves the way we have poured into them.
✨ To embrace the woman we are beyond the title of “Mom.”
✨ To live in ways that remind them—and us—that we are limitless.

Tell me, beautiful mama, what season are you in? And how are you loving yourself today? 💜✨ 


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