A little over ten years ago, my second daughter was born. The ratio of girls vs boys, officially, became 3:1 (not including our female dog). Little did I know how it would change my life forever. I always wanted...
These days I feel like the men in our lives get a bad rap on social media. There are so many memes about how the kids will walk right past Dad watching TV on the couch and ask for...
Father’s Day is near, so what do you do for the spouse who doesn’t acknowledge Mother’s Day?  I noticed a strange phenomenon on social media this past Mother’s Day. If you were on Facebook, you saw over-the-moon moms amidst...
  I remember it like it was last week. My husband and I were relaxing with our feet in the sand watching our kids dig and build sand castles. The balmy breeze was blowing and we were sipping cool drinks....
We all can agree that being a parent is not an easy job. Caring for another human being for a minimum of 18 years and hoping they turn out to be halfway decent citizens sometimes seems like a daunting...
My daughter is graduating the 8th grade this month. I'm not ready. I've  spent this year trying so hard to slow down time. I think I have spent her whole life doing that. She certainly took her sweet time...

Raising Super Girls

One of the great surprises in life is learning the gender of your baby. Will it be a girl or a boy? Will we need boy or girl things? We put our curiosity to the test x2 and waited...
My grandma and I had a special relationship. Both she and my mom instilled in me a love of baking. I had no idea then that our time together in the kitchen would become the inspiration for one of...
St. Louis Moms Blog launched one year ago TODAY! And we can hardly believe it. It has been a wild ride, marked with sweat, tears, countless hours of work, and so much more! Sounds a lot like motherhood, right?...
Over the past couple months, I feel like my life has gone through the wringer. The ups and downs of going from "work-at-home-mom" to "work-out-of-the-home-mom" have been a roller coaster that I don't care to ride again. In March,...

In + Around STL

Eating Through the STL Top 100 – 2024 Edition

If you’ve read my food lists from the past couple of years, you will know that I wait in anticipation every April for the...