an organized walk in closet full of in style clothing

Personal Style in my 30s

How much thought goes into your style?   When I was 16 years old, a professional personal stylist came to my classroom to teach us how to dress professionally for our body types. That’s the day I learned that I had...
We see them all over Pinterest. These beautiful boards and grids of perfectly classic clothing ready for any occasion. The capsule wardrobe: I finally gave it a whirl! I had no idea how having fewer options would simplify my...
There’s just something I love about having my nails done. It makes me feel so… feminine? Put together? I don’t know exactly how it makes me feel, but I love it. Pre-kid, I would go and get my nails...
I always thought that clean and low-toxic beauty products like makeup and shampoo don't work as well or last as long. However, things have improved significantly in the past 20 years, and you can't even tell the difference in...
I love Google. It has the answers to everything you need in seconds. But, often times finding the best option in your own backyard is hard to find. Enter, The Scout Guide! “The Scout Guide (TSG) is a publication dedicated...
Following my Green Skincare post from last month, we’re shifting gears to make-up! While skincare is my first true love, I’ve grown in my confidence in using make-up; what to use when, how to apply, and the best colors...
I like to think of myself as a focused person, but I also carry around a tiny glowing box with more information than someone from previous generations could have been exposed to in three lifetimes that buzzes at me...
The weather is warming up and YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR! Just kidding, you have stuff….but your closet needs a bit of a refresh. Fear not, I have rounded up my top 10 wardrobe additions for spring! I’m not going...
This post is sponsored by Mid-America Plastic Surgery. With all the demands on your time and energy during this required stay-at-home period, it’s easy to lose sight of your own needs. But now’s the perfect time to dream a little...
Slugs on my face?!? Ok, don’t worry, that’s not really a thing. But have you ever heard of “slugging”? Because that IS actually a thing.  I love to follow different dermatologists on Instagram, and often find myself picking up awesome...

In + Around STL

Where to Pick Strawberries near St. Louis

There's nothing like a fresh strawberry, picked from the ground with your own hands. As the weather warms up and summer can be seen...