Mom-of-Two Self-Care Ideas   Since returning to work after the birth of my second babe, during a pandemic no less, I have been working on being intentional about self-care. I know this is totally a buzzword right now, but since 2020...
  What is an EMF?  Everything in the natural world has an electromagnetic field, including every cell in our body! With that being said, everything that's man-made also has an electric field (technology, home appliances, etc.).  EMF stands for electromagnetic field, which...
Strap yourself in for the roller coaster of motherhood— it’s one heck of a ride!   As a kid, I loved roller coasters. I loved the speed and thrill of going high into the sky and then immediately dropping. It was...
I have the hardest time getting my head focused on goals and forward-thinking in January. Maybe it’s the post-holiday slump or the ick weather, but January always feels like a one-day-at-a-time pace where I’m just trying to keep it...
Playing outdoors impacts our kids in ways we never imagined!   “What impact does nature have on your child’s health?”     Everything! Research shows it's optimal for children to get 14+ hours a week of outside time.     The big questions to answer are:...
  Maybe you’re the kind of mom that has dealt with enough stomach bugs in your day that they leave you feeling unnerved. I’m novice enough in my experience that the stomach bug still gives me the willies. No one...
Journaling can refresh the soul and declutter the mind.     Whether it was in a therapy session, self-help guru’s book, Ted Talk, or over coffee with a friend, we have all heard the words “You should journal." This used to be...
Calling all St. Louis Moms - we have missed hosting events for you, but we're ready to get back in the saddle! We hope you'll join us for a fun and relaxing morning out - you deserve a chance...
Eating healthy and dining out can absolutely go hand in hand!     I guess you could say I was forced to learn the tricks of the trade when it came to eating healthy while dining out. Forced? For lack of a...
Cheers! It's National Fitness Day.   Today I prioritized my workout because ... self-care, Ladies ... am I right? It is possible that I may be beginning to loathe this term. Can we bury it wherever “Cool Beans!” and “Totes ma-Goats”...

In + Around STL

St. Louis Mom’s Guide to Local Sweetheart Dances

Looking to make some sweet memories with your little Valentines? Check out this round up of St. Louis area Sweetheart Dances, sure to spark...