I recently had two fairly significant events in my life occur at the same time: helping my mom move and my son was cutting a molar. Both of these things caused pain in our family: our ears hurt from my...
When thinking of ways to make sure our baby experienced things that help with her developmental skills, swimming came to mind.  I knew it would be a bonding experience between us but I also wanted her to have the...
If there's anything moms could use more of, (besides sleep!) it's caffeine!  Rebekah and I were introduced to St. Louis based company, Madrinas Coffee, at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival this past April.  We tried a few samples and...
I remember one day, while scrolling through Facebook, I read a post about "working from my phone." It said, you're on Facebook anyways, why not make your time more purposeful? Hmmm....interesting idea. The seed was planted and I began...
I love you, but I don’t like you.  It’s a blasphemous remark to make about your own children, but I must confess that it’s the way I’ve been feeling lately as I plod through a particularly challenging stage with my...
I live right off of South Grand, and I love raising my kids in this neighborhood. We can walk to the amazing Tower Grove Park, get lunch at Steve's Hot Dogs, and grab ice cream cones from the Creamery...
This information is sponsored by our partner at Little Sunshine Playhouse & Preschool. Be sure to check out the Facebook LIVE video we did while touring their University City facility! Most parents would agree that it's never easy to leave your child...
For most moms of school-aged kids, September is like January with a sense of renewal, resolutions and resetting the rhythm.  After a lazy summer break from routine and set schedules, moms are almost begging for routine to come back...
I love fall, I really do.  But, there’s one part of fall that comes every two years like clockwork that makes me cringe: elections.  What was once a time to express opinions in the polling booth and to your inner...
Of all the parenting decisions my husband and I have made, (intentional or passive, child-focused or convenience-focused), the decision to live near the majority of our child’s grandparents has been the most meaningful and impactful to him, to us...

In + Around STL

Where to Pick Strawberries near St. Louis

There's nothing like a fresh strawberry, picked from the ground with your own hands. As the weather warms up and summer can be seen...