When my daughter was three days old, after several attempted nursing sessions that led to competitions over who could cry louder – me or...
For months, I was ashamed of the fact that my body simply could not produce milk for my daughter.
I went to La Leche League...
Part of the reality of being a working mom committed to providing breast milk for her baby long after maternity leave ends is making the...
In 2004, I gave birth to a very healthy 9 pound and 4 ounce baby girl. After seven weeks of maternity leave, I returned...
Hi again! Remember me? I was here in June telling the tale of tiring my child out at Creve Coeur Lake Park! Well, I'm...
I did it. I kicked my husband and 12.5-month-old daughter out of the house. I did. I needed to for my well-being and theirs,...
This information is sponsored by our partner at Little Sunshine Playhouse & Preschool. Be sure to check out the Facebook LIVE video we did...
“I don’t want to do any camps this summer.” Wait, what?? “Of course, you’re doing camps, silly girl. You can pick from sports, dance,...
Before you think I’m a fugitive (I’m not) and you need to call your local authorities (you don’t), the only running in my life...
As a mom with a full-time job, I just know everyone is wondering…“How does she get everything done?” Well, first of all, I rarely...