An Exhausted Mom’s Intro to Sleep Apnea


Apparently, I snore.

It started during my pregnancy years and has slowly gotten worse.

I didn’t think much of it— I just considered it to be another one of those ways my body changed after having kids.

But thanks to encouragement from my (grumpy, exhausted) husband, I had a sleep test done. It was quick and easy, and I was able to do it from my own bed with a take home test kit. The test diagnosed sleep apnea and clocked me waking up more than 26 times an hour. These events are disruptions in REM sleep, so I didn’t even know I was “waking up.”

No wonder I’m always tired! 

Given my results, I was prescribed a CPAP machine. It took some time for the machine to be available given recalls and shortages, but once it finally came, my sleep apnea improved immediately. As long as you faithfully use it when sleeping, most machines will give you daily sleep ratings and let you know how well the machine is working for you. 

I’m not going to lie, it does take some time to get used to sleeping with a hose hooked up to your face … but it’s worth it for the deep sleep that your body finally gets. And there are many options from face masks, to nasal pillows that sit just under your nose … you’ll find one that works best for you!

And believe me when I say that there are very good reasons for getting used to it—  I learned throughout the process that sleep apnea can lead to more than just exhaustion and snoring. Sleep apnea can affect your major organs, such as your heart and brain. If your body is not reaching the deep sleep state, your organs are not getting the rest they need. Over time, this could contribute to serious issues like dementia and Alzheimers, irregular heart rhythms and a greater risk of heart disease. Sleep apnea can also contribute to strokes, diabetes, and many other serious health issues, as well.

So while as moms, we expect our bodies to change and we expect eternal exhaustion, when it interferes with day-to-day life, it is worth checking out with a doctor. Not all exhaustion is normal. 

If either you or your spouse snores, it’s worth testing the quality of your sleep. You could be gaining so much more than solid zzzz’s.