TRIGGER WARNING: I am about to talk about sex. I know not everyone is comfortable talking about sex. I am. Please proceed with caution.   Something has been on my mind for a while. I feel like we only talk about...
I have seen a surge in picture-perfect craft projects for kids in recent years, thanks to social media platforms and resources like Pinterest. As an art educator, this makes me cringe a little. Don’t get me wrong, I love...
Happy December! I hope your holiday season is going well. I can honestly say that mine is having a different feel than previous years. Between the economy and the Christmas perfection stress that we put on ourselves every year,...
Take it from this STEM mom, STEM is happening all over the place. Hey moms (especially you SAHMs), in honor of STEM day, this is for you. Can I confess something to you? I was not what they in the...
My family has always liked board games, but the pandemic has brought out a whole other side of things. As our other avenues for entertainment and interaction dwindled, our love for board games grew, and they’re now a daily...
These glorious summer days with our children can be long! It is hard to keep the enthusiasm up week after week, so we're here to help! We're excited to host you and your family for an official St. Louis Mom...

Growing and Glowing

“Mooooom! Can I go to the mall after school?” “Mooooom! Can I go to a sleepover tonight?” “Mooooom! Can I go anywhere but here?” Ok, so maybe my kids have never asked that last question, but as they get...
Is anyone in your house getting ready for kindergarten?   As we leave our Early Childhood team that we have adored over the last three years, we begin our new journey: Kindergarten. Summertime is not only a time for us to...
August is world breastfeeding month! So be prepared to see a lot of beautiful images of women nourishing their legacies! I love seeing pictures of the beautiful mamas and babies, sharing a special bond through breastfeeding. Of course, there’s...
Sometimes you've got to be the Momma who is breaking the rule.   “They can’t give him breastmilk now that he’s one.”   Wait, what? The mama-rage was filling my body, and it wasn’t even 8 am on a Monday. Always a good...

In + Around STL

Mom’s Guide to Family-Friendly Breweries

St. Louis has no shortage of family-friendly breweries! If you’re looking for a place to go with your family, or want to meet up...