Happy National Girl Scouts Day! While everyone knows about Thin Mints and Samoas, you may not know much about the girls (or the organization) behind the cookies. Having been a Girl Scout myself, I couldn’t wait for my daughter...
You’re brand new to this world, and I’m brand new to this — this vulnerability, this all-consuming love. Though you cannot talk, your truths are not hard to find. You shriek your needs without restriction, and I am exhausted...
The “kindergarten bubble” is another byproduct of the pandemic that will influence decisions parents of preschool students will make in the coming months. School closures and remote learning— or any long absence from the classroom— caused some parents to...
Moms of teens, you are not alone.
Raising kids is hard. I have three, 7 and under, and sometimes it is the hardest thing I've done just to survive the day. The thing is that I know that there are...
Are you looking for a DIY valentine card project? If you need a non-candy valentine for school valentines, check out these options. Be creative and make your own versions, or grab my templates for a shortcut.
Easy Ways to Make...
What can you do to make this an intentional holiday season for your family?
Happy Holidays Y'all! I will try to keep this short and sweet (I said I'll try) because we are already in the middle of the season...
So if you’re anything like me, you have a love-hate relationship with your Elf. If you’ve decided to do this tradition in your home - here are some EASY ideas that you can execute at 2:00 am when you...
I have seen a surge in picture-perfect craft projects for kids in recent years, thanks to social media platforms and resources like Pinterest. As an art educator, this makes me cringe a little. Don’t get me wrong, I love...
Take it from this STEM mom, STEM is happening all over the place.
Hey moms (especially you SAHMs), in honor of STEM day, this is for you. Can I confess something to you? I was not what they in the...
We’ve all heard it, the terrible twos, threenagers, fierce fours, all about toddlerhood. Every parent is warned about it: two is bad, but just wait until three, it's so much worse. We fear it, the unknown of our cute...