The weather is warming up and YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR! Just kidding, you have stuff….but your closet needs a bit of a refresh. Fear not, I have rounded up my top 10 wardrobe additions for spring! I’m not going...
There’s just something I love about having my nails done. It makes me feel so… feminine? Put together? I don’t know exactly how it makes me feel, but I love it. Pre-kid, I would go and get my nails...
Slugs on my face?!? Ok, don’t worry, that’s not really a thing. But have you ever heard of “slugging”? Because that IS actually a thing.  I love to follow different dermatologists on Instagram, and often find myself picking up awesome...
I'll admit, when it comes to buying kid stuff, I almost always buy pre-owned or at the most, on sale or clearance.   So when my kids need new shoes, I hit up the local kid's resale clothing store and head...
Hi Moms of STL! We are so excited to be featured on St. Louis Moms Blog! You gals, STL women, are the main reason we started our blog. So let’s take a quick step back to introduce ourselves and how...
      Even as a Professional Makeup Artist, I prefer not to have a full face of makeup day to day. The majority of the time, I need to just look put together and awake. I wanted to share my 5-minute...
  Once when I was 18-years-old, my mother told me, “Go get yourself a hair coloring product, or you will feel older” wiith all those early silver hairs coming in. I did not.   Today I am a couple of days away...
Are you still with me? Good. Because I have a few more things to share with you! Here's two more J.Crew try-ons before we move to online: Pants: size 6   Top: size medium Tiger Tiger Pants, Ya'll! Those are pink tigers...
I have to admit I’m somewhat particular about my hair (yes, even after having kids). While it might stay up in a messy bun most days because I’m chasing around my two year olds, I like the flexibility of...
Following my Green Skincare post from last month, we’re shifting gears to make-up! While skincare is my first true love, I’ve grown in my confidence in using make-up; what to use when, how to apply, and the best colors...

In + Around STL

Where to Pick Strawberries near St. Louis

There's nothing like a fresh strawberry, picked from the ground with your own hands. As the weather warms up and summer can be seen...