Physically, I became a mother on my 30th birthday. I hadn’t had Braxton-Hicks contractions before that day, and so when I woke up with contractions, I was pretty sure that’s what was going on. After all, I was having...
When my son died in July 2016, a close friend asked me, "Do you know anyone who has lost a child?" The answer was one.  I knew one person.  Soon after, I received a card in the mail.  It...
The path to surrogacy is often one with more questions than answers.    In early January 2019, my husband, Seth, and I decided that it was time to start our own family. We met in graduate school in 2013 at the...
As I write this, I am 39 weeks pregnant, 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. For most people who haven't been there, basically I will have a baby soon, but not yet!? So, I wait. I've done this before, so...
I have had four pregnancies.   I have delivered three babies.    I have two daughters at home.    I am part of one “club” for which no mother volunteers - Pregnancy and Infant Loss.   Madeline is our oldest. She is six (and a half). She...
Heritage Consulting STL understands that every mom needs support and encouragement.     This year is starting off with so many exciting new things on the horizon, and I am ecstatic to share all of it with you! But first, a little...
There’s nothing like the excitement of seeing that positive line appear on a pregnancy test. Congratulations! Visions of nursery decor start to dance in your head and the undesirable side effects of the first trimester might be the last...
Feeling like a mother for the very first time is one of the most extraordinary gifts of motherhood. My journey to motherhood was like a river – lots of twists, turns, and rocks along the way. I suffered with infertility. But...
As soon as you got that Big Fat Positive pregnancy test, how many of you started scouring baby websites for the perfect nursery must-haves and watching for deals on baby gear?  That's great, but how many of you actively...
The Mercy Birthing Center is prepared to walk through every step of your pregnancy and delivery with you!     Birth is a unique experience for each mom— no two stories are the same. Some moms have specific wishes regarding how they...

In + Around STL

Eating Through the STL Top 100 – 2024 Edition

If you’ve read my food lists from the past couple of years, you will know that I wait in anticipation every April for the...