Are you on Team Yahoo or Team Boohoo on the first day of school?
Last night, Amy Sanders shared about her school’s Yahoo or Boohoo Parent Coffee on the first day of school. Amy is firmly on Team Yahoo. I,...
July is National Sandwich Generation Month - a cause for honoring and celebrating!
Y’all, we made it another year!
Those of us caring for children and parents simultaneously - The Sandwich Generation - have hopefully made it to another year with...
Sometimes you've got to be the Momma who is breaking the rule.
“They can’t give him breastmilk now that he’s one.”
Wait, what? The mama-rage was filling my body, and it wasn’t even 8 am on a Monday. Always a good...
Dearest Tween,
It has been hard lately, hasn’t it? It seems like there are more disagreements and less patience by the day. You’ve gotten more sassy, and I’ve gotten more stubborn, and that combination has not been pretty. You are...
Help is supposed to make a job easier, but all moms know that letting kids help can make a job twice as hard!
Anyone else an OCD control freak like me? I sometimes feel like a complete nut because I...
Promposals. Have you heard of them? They’re opportunities for high schoolers to come up with elaborately creative ways of asking each other to prom and most likely record the event for viral posterity. Perhaps it is getting a bit...
Weight, our favorite subject— it's a complicated thing for almost all women. Most women, at one point or another, have struggled with their weight. My struggle started when I was 7-years-old. That’s right, SEVEN YEARS OLD. Do you want...
Can I let you in on a little secret? I don't like Valentine's Day. It's not a holiday my husband and I ever really celebrate. However, I do enjoy themed activities for kids, and a Valentine's theme is no...
Parents pick and choose their battles, and this Mama is not waging a war over screen time!
I’ve read the research. I know the cons. But dang it, I’m a working mom, and sometimes I use the iPad as a...
The year 2020 was a whole year of figure it out! We have learned to adapt, to compromise, to appreciate the smaller things in life. Some of us have learned to keep to ourselves, others have learned to stretch...